Jardin musical

The non-profit organization Jardin Musical resonates with the spirit and principles of permaculture, founded by Bill Molisson and David Holmgren, and transposed to artistic life, namely, inventiveness in the face of change, welcoming and valuing diversity, integration rather than separation, and imagination as the only limit.

This invitation to a profound awareness of our common nature by celebrating beauty could not leave Miles Legal indifferent. Because culture is an essential element of sustainability and harmony, we are proud to support this magnificent project. Actions speak louder than words…




info@mileslegal.eu Tel : +32 (0)2 204 56 11 Fax : +32 (0)2 791 93 32 13, rue des Sablons
1000 Brussels
Miles | Meise [map] Hoogstraat 57/1, 1861 Meise
Tel : +32 (0)475 47 95 89 - Fax +32 (0)2 706 55 58
Miles | Uccle [map] Avenue Georges Lecointe, 50, 1180 Brussels
Tel : +32 (0)2 375 82 42 - Fax: +32 (0)2 375 66 22
Sablon access : Metro Louise [lines 2,6] | Tram : 92,93 | Bus : 27,33,95 | Railway : Brussels Chapelle, Brussels Centrale

Uccle access : Tram : 92,97 | Bus : 60,37 | Railway : Uccle St Job

You can park your bicycle in one of our garages. Please notify us by e-mail and call the firm's phone number when you arrive.
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