Our experience in transparent and participative office management

Our firm is oriented towards the future and the generations of tomorrow. It was therefore essential for us to opt for a participative management system in which each member of the firm, from the youngest to the oldest, whether a lawyer or a member of the support team, participates in the decision-making process and takes responsibility for the day-to-day management of the firm. This management style requires total transparency in management, finances and remuneration. The quality of our operations is the result of a permanent inter-generational dialogue. Actions speak louder than words…

info@mileslegal.eu Tel : +32 (0)2 204 56 11 Fax : +32 (0)2 791 93 32 13, rue des Sablons
1000 Brussels
Miles | Meise [map] Hoogstraat 57/1, 1861 Meise
Tel : +32 (0)475 47 95 89 - Fax +32 (0)2 706 55 58
Miles | Uccle [map] Avenue Georges Lecointe, 50, 1180 Brussels
Tel : +32 (0)2 375 82 42 - Fax: +32 (0)2 375 66 22
Sablon access : Metro Louise [lines 2,6] | Tram : 92,93 | Bus : 27,33,95 | Railway : Brussels Chapelle, Brussels Centrale

Uccle access : Tram : 92,97 | Bus : 60,37 | Railway : Uccle St Job

You can park your bicycle in one of our garages. Please notify us by e-mail and call the firm's phone number when you arrive.
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